Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Nash Gamett Retires

Nash Gamett left the courthouse for the last time. He had worked as a court clerk for 28 years. His co-workers wanted to give him a retirement party, but he wanted his departure to be as private as possible.

Before making it home, Nash stopped at the grocery store for some late time snacks. In the parking lot his friend Jim was sitting in his truck with the window rolled down.

“How is it going Nash?” Jim asked.

“Pretty good,” Nash replied, “Today was my last day at the courthouse. As of now I am officially retired.”

“What are going to do with all that free time?” Jim asked.

“Going to read, watch TV and run the roads. Even bought a few chickens to have something to do outdoors.”

Jim laughed, “That doesn't sound like you.”

“I’m tired Jim, just ready to relax my last years in life. No fanfare and no drama.” Nash started walking away and started waving. “See you later Jim.”

“See you later Nash.”

More to Come....